September 13, 2021 3 min read 2 Comments

Executive summary:

The BADGES loyalty program was introduced by Graphene-X in 2020 as a way to "thank" the backers that support our growth from the early days. We have a very "simple" model where we grow and expand our brand mainly through Kickstarter campaigns rather than looking for external investment. With this, we are able to report exclusively to our backers who 99% of the time will demand quality and experience, which are the 2 drivers we believe every company should be focused in. 

With this program, we are rewarding those who support our Kickstarter campaigns with a lifetime discount on our website store. With up to 24% lifetime discount we are pushing the limits of what any other brand has done before as we truly believe in our model, and are not afraid of putting our money where our mouth is.


Badges Loyalty program by Graphene-X



As you all know by now, backers from our crowdfunding campaigns are our most valuable asset (we consider you as angel investors). Its because of you, that we get to be here living the dream of having as a job the development of revolutionary products. We think it just make a lot of sense to have a loyalty program that would benefit our backers in a way no other Kickstarter funded company has done so far. We like number 1 😎☝️

So, how does it work and what are the benefits???

We are working on exciting details to make this program pretty robust, but the biggest perk is that for every Kickstarter campaign we launch and you back, you get a BADGE. This badge, besides of being a pretty cool collectible that will be sent along with your OMEGA pants will give you access to an 8% discount on our online store... ACCUMULATIVE UP TO 3 CAMPAIGNS! AND VALID FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE!

This basically means that if you support 3 of our campaigns you'll have a no-limit 24% discount on our online store forever (non-transferable benefit).

At the time of this writing (after 3 Kickstarter campaigns), we have over 4.000 backers from our Kickstarter campaigns in all three tiers so most probably this reward will only be available till Kickstarter #4 (October 2021) or eventually up to Kickstarter #5 (May 2022) but by no means more than this.

With this, we will have 3 tiers in the program: 

  • Tier 3: Backed 1 KS campaign - 8% lifetime discount. 
  • Tier 2: Backed 2 KS campaigns - 16% lifetime discount. 
  • Tier 1: Backed 3 KS campaigns - 24% lifetime discount.


Badges loyalty program by Graphene-X


For Tier 1 backers that keep supporting campaigns 4 and 5: As you won't be able to keep accumulating discount % on the store, you'll be getting a limited edition gift especially crafted for you.  

As in most ventures, the first years are the toughest ones, so this program will only be offered for Campaigns #1 (Alpha Series Jacket backer), #2 (OMEGA pants backer), #3 (Polo-X backer) and #4 (SURPRISE!) - plus eventually #5 depending on the results of #4 - as an appreciation token for those who believed in us and shared our vision from the beginning. 

After each campaign (and once post-campaign surveys are done) we proceed to consolidate the list of backers with the previous tiers and send an email with the welcome to your new tier level. In this email you'll find your personal discount code which you can use till the end of your days in our website store.


Why and how we can pull this off?

Thanks to an amazing set of Kickstarter campaigns plus the launch of our online store that hit the ball out of the park, we feel the obligation to really offer something special to you, the early adopters. Selling our products with a permanent 24% discount is no joke and we are able to pull it off as having "regulars" as you see in restaurants keep driving new traffic and new adopters of our products which helps to keep our operation healthy while also recognising the importance of the original backers.



Once again, thanks for all the love. You are making this the most amazing adventure we ever imagined.


Jorge Barros, founder & CEO of Graphene-X.

2 Responses

Rick Strother
Rick Strother

May 11, 2023

I have been here with them since their inception, and I stand by them for what they do, believe in and continue doing, as I love their products as I wear them myself daily in all uses and they stand up past what they say plus a lifetime warranty so this can’t be beat, I’m a lifer with this brand and keep loving it!

 Emmanuel Remy
Emmanuel Remy

January 19, 2023

Great plan.
I like to support companies that produce excellent product for everyday to outdoor life.

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